As the first thing a passer-by will see your shop front is a vital part of your business. The design, colours, lighting and finishing touches can compel or deter customers from entering your shop.

If your shopfront is looking a little worse for wear, SB Aluminium Services can help with an affordable and stylish solution. Their aluminium is robust and long-lasting, making it an ideal option for high street businesses. They’ll design and install an attractive aluminium shop front, ensuring that your customers will take note of what you have to offer.

Shopfronts leicester

The style of a shopfront can say a lot about the kind of company you are and the quality of your goods. An attractive and functional shopfront will encourage your customer to visit and buy from you, whilst a shabby shopfront may put people off and turn them away. This is why it’s important to invest in a well-designed and fitted shopfront.

Traditional shopfronts were constructed from timber shop fronts leicester and sat within an architectural frame comprising of two pilasters at either side, a cornice or fascia, corbels and a frieze. This frame was designed to appear like a picture frame around the window and provide an apparent relationship between the ground floor of the building and the upper parts of the shopfront.

Modern styles of bright, coloured canopies and Dutch blinds are not traditionally appropriate to the character of the Borough or suitable for historic shopfronts and should be avoided. They tend to dominate the street scene and obscure architectural detailing. A glass canopy that does not obscure the window is a more sympathetic approach which also offers protection from rain and direct sunlight.

Shop owners have a legal duty to provide reasonable access for disabled people and this should be considered prior to any work being undertaken on a historic shopfront or Listed building. The simplest way to achieve this is with a ramp, however it is possible to create a flat level surface without altering the existing elevation. Cases involving historic or Listed buildings that do not have a ramp should be discussed with a Development Officer who will make an assessment to see how this can be achieved. This will involve a detailed survey to determine whether the existing shopfront is capable of being altered to provide reasonable access. This assessment will include the cost of any work that is required to provide this. Where necessary a grant will be available to assist with costs.